Ideas to support the conditions that make intuition trustworthy.
7 Ways to Harness Back-to-School Energy & Resource Yourself
Make use of the energies of Virgo Season – it’s not just that school’s starting – It’s also an ideal time for checklists, personal style, critical thinking, and putting up provisions for the coming cooler weather.
Social Media, Alienation, and the Desire to Connect
There’s no question, humans need to feel like we’re in community. And over the past year and a half, when in-person meeting was limited, so many of us have leaned into the digital space to fill that role.
As a Settler in Ontario, I’m Working to Decolonize my Assumptions
In Canada, June 21st is recognized as Indigenous Peoples Day. Aside from this recognition, Indigenous issues have been front and centre in the news these past...
Six Ways to Cultivate Your Intuitive Self
When I studied leadership and self development in grad school, I spent years absorbing and distilling a program of practice that is most widely recommended...
A Non-Dual Philosophy of Both/And
Things are hard, and yet we can do hard things: Leaning into a non dual philosophy of Both/And I want to unpack an idea that has been so healing to me...
Tolerating Uncertainty with Compassion
My book progress is plodding along – it’s so hard to do anything right now. Many days, I’m counting basic care and feeding as a win. It’s not about laziness...
Improve your Intuition & Learn to Trust Your Gut
Trust your gut! Trust your gut! From leadership coaches to business gurus, it seems that this phrase is everywhere you turn. At first glance, the advice...
How to Meditate
What even is medation? There are many different ways to understand what meditation is, and what it is for. According to most lineages of Buddhism, meditation...